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Dominion Theatre

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Ingressos para: The Rocky Horror Show

The Rocky Horror Show

a partir de € 17,20

Este produto foi recém adicionado - já é possível reserva-lo e as informações estarão disponíveis em português em breve!

Join the frivolous adventure as the legendary Rock'n'roll musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show! returns to Londons West End. It is a very limited run, so make sure you do not miss it.


- Do the time warp with this legendary musical
- Choose your own seats
- Enjoy the timeless hits
- See Jason Donovan in the role of Dr Frank'n'Furter

O que posso esperar?

For a limited period only Richard O'Briens iconic musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show! will make its return to Londons West End. 

Join the innocent college couple Brad and Janet on their unexpected and unforgettable adventure with Dr Frank'n'Furter. It is fun, it is frivolous and it is definitely a good time. 

The Rocky Horror Picture Show" has been running for more than 50 years worldwide and has received multiple awards. 
This time Jason Donovan takes on the role of the charismatic Dr Frank'n'Furter. 

Como funciona?

How do I get my tickets? 
Shortly after your booking is complete, your e-ticket is sent directly to your email. Mobile tickets are accepted. 

Isto é adequado para mim?

This production is recommended from 12+ 


Mon. to Thur.: 8.00PM
Fri. and Sat.: 8:30PM
Fri. and Sat.: 5.00PM

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Informação sobre o espectáculo

The Rocky Horror Show will run for a limited time only between September 6-20 2024


Dominion Theatre

Dominion Theatre 268-269 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 7AQ



(11) 4118-2142 (11) 4118-2142

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