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Peacock Theatre

Peacock Theatre

Peacock Theatre

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Ingressos para: The Snowman

The Snowman

a partir de € 25,00

Este produto foi recém adicionado - já é possível reserva-lo e as informações estarão disponíveis em português em breve!

For the 25th year in a row, the fantastic musical and dance show The Snowman is now playing in London over Christmas. 


- Enjoy the classic Christmas tale of the Snowman
- Get in the spirit of Christmas
- Choose your own seats
- Enjoy a play for the entire family

O que posso esperar?

Enjoy The Snowman with Your Family
The stage version of Raymond Briggs' much-loved book The Snowman continues to delight children and adults alike as it returns to the Peacock Theatre this Christmas. 

When a young boy's snowman comes to life on Christmas Eve, the two set off on a night-time quest for adventure. On their travels, they meet dancing penguins, reindeer and, of course, Father Christmas. 

The Snowman is the ultimate Christmas show for the whole family and it's a lovely Christmas tradition in London. The Snowman isn't a classic musical, but more like a dance show with a live orchestra. 

Who is the show suitable for? 
The Snowman is for all ages, young and adults alike. The musical is especially popular among families. It's recommended for children from age 2 as it is a captivating mix of dance, stagecraft, and music. 

Please be aware that children from age 2 year need their own ticket. 

Como funciona?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-ticket will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete. Bring a printed copy to the theater, or present the ticket via your mobile phone.

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Peacock Theatre

Portugal Street London WC2A 2HT



(11) 4118-2142 (11) 4118-2142

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