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The Old Bauble Factory

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Wishmas: A Fantastical Christmas Adventure

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Wishmas: A Fantastical Christmas Adventure

a partir de € 41,40

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Ever wondered where all of your wishes go? For as long as there have been wishes, there has been Wishmas, an enchanted world where wishes take flight. For those who believe, the portal to Wishmas opens its doors for a twinkle in time during the most magical season: Christmas. Wishmas is a fully immersive winter-time experience for all the family. Join us to discover magical realms and meet out of this world characters. See first hand what happens to your wonderful wishes as you follow them on their magical journey to the heart of Wishmas.


Wishmas: A Fantastical Christmas Adventure

1 Launcelot Street London SE1 7AD



(11) 4118-2142 (11) 4118-2142

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