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Queen Elizabeth Hall

Queen Elizabeth Hall

Queen Elizabeth Hall

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The House with the Chicken Legs

Ingressos para: The House with the Chicken Legs

The House with the Chicken Legs

a partir de € 16,90

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Do your best to catch this story of a house that won’t stand still, and a young girl trying to find her feet – in a show featuring puppets, projection and live music. Marinka dreams of a normal life, where she can stay somewhere long enough to make friends. But there’s one problem – her house has chicken legs and moves on without warning. Based on Sophie Anderson’s much-loved novel, the story follows Marinka, a young girl trying to find her feet when her home is quite literally pulled from under her. The show is funny, thought-provoking and full of life as it deftly navigates the complexities of loss from a whole new perspective. Co-produced by theatre company Les Enfants Terribles and HOME Manchester, and presented in association with Les Enfants Terribles


Queen Elizabeth Hall

Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road Lambeth, London SE1 8XX



(11) 4118-2142 (11) 4118-2142

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