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Ingressos para: The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
2 Bilhetes, ter, 11 Fev 2025
The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
Este produto foi recém adicionado - já é possível reserva-lo e as informações estarão disponíveis em português em breve!
It’s not a myth the Smash-Hit film is making it’s London debut. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, is now making waves in London’s West End!
- Seen the movie? You will love the musical
- Choose your own seats
O que posso esperar?
Now mere mortals and gods alike can get ready for this modern-day odyssey live on stage, as the highly anticipated musical rocks London.
The story follows Percy Jackson, who lives an ordinary life in New York until he’s shocked to discover he is the half-blood son of the Greek God Poseidon.
As he is plunged into a world that some might say is all Greek to him, it turns out to be much bigger than he could possibly have imagined.
With newly discovered powers he is unable to control, an unwanted destiny, and a whole textbook’s worth of mythical monsters on his trail, Percy must learn what it means to be a hero.
The future of the world hangs in the balance as Percy and his friends embark on an epic adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat.
Como funciona?
How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete, your e-tickets are sent directly to your email. Mobile tickets are accepted.
Please check the booking calendar for dates and time.
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Duração: 2 horas 30 minutos
Informação sobre o espectáculo
Please check the booking calendar for dates and time.

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